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The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant, which is more than a contract. Covenant always expresses a relationship between persons. The marriage covenant refers to the relationship between the husband and wife, a permanent union of persons capable of knowing and loving each other and God.


The celebration of marriage is also a liturgical act, appropriately held in a public liturgy at church. Catholics are urged to celebrate their marriage within the Eucharistic Liturgy.


Man and woman were created for each other.

In Christian marriage, spouses model the love and self-gift of Christ. By giving of themselves and serving one another, their family, and community, they help one another live out Christ’s call to discipleship, love, and service. Marriage provides a foundation for a family committed to community, solidarity, and Jesus’ mission in the world.


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  • Si usted está interesado en casarse en San Pro-Catedral | San Antonio de Padua, los arreglos deben hacerse por lo menos con un año de anticipación ANTES de reservar el lugar de la boda.  Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial para concertar una cita con la secretaria.

Usted debe traer a la entrevista:

  • Certificado de Primera Comunión

  • Certificado de Confirmación

  • Si uno de los contrayentes se ha casado anteriormente se necesita acta matrimonio anterior, decreto de divorcio y un acta de nacimiento del solicitante.

  • Cada situación de la pareja es diferente, asi que se le explicará en la oficina con mas detalles.

  • Para más información contactar a la secretaria a la extensión 403.


  • Las parejas deben obtener su licencia de matrimonio con suficiente tiempo. Usted no puede casarse en
    la Iglesia Católica sin una licencia de matrimonio válida de Nueva Jersey.

  • Para obtener esta licencia, usted debe dirigirse al Ayuntamiento o al edificio municipal de la localidad donde reside la mujer.

  • Una licencia en este estado es válida durante treinta días después de la fecha de emisión. 



  • If you are interested in getting married at St Joseph Pro-Cathedral/St Anthony of Padua, arrangements should be made at least one year in advance BEFORE your book your wedding venue.  Please contact the parish office to set up an appointment with secretary.

You must bring:

  • Baptism certificate

  • First Communion Certificate

  • Confirmation Certificates

  • Previous marriage certificate, divorce decree and a birth certificate of the applicant

  • Each couple’s situation is different, it will be discussed to the couple in the office visit.



  • Couples should be sure to get their marriage license in plenty of time. You cannot be married in the Catholic Church without a valid New Jersey marriage license.

  • To obtain this license, you should go to the City Hall or municipal building of the town where the woman resides.

  • A license in this state is valid for thirty days after the date of issuance. 

Wedding Rings


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