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The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a formal program of catechetical instruction, ascetical practice (prayer and spirituality), and liturgies whereby adults– called catechumens– are formally admitted into the Church and receive the Sacraments of Initiation–  Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.

RCIA ADULT: is for those who are seeking a better relationship with God, who are looking for more information about Catholic Christianity, or who are seeking to grow in their spiritual or Sacramental life. 


The RCIA process welcomes the unbaptized person into the family of Jesus Christ.  Sessions are informal and comfortable opportunities to explore the Catholic faith with presentations, discussions, and fellowship.

Adult they must be 18 years or older of age.

RCIT Teens: Adapted for Teens is part of our parish Faith Formation program.     The process for non-baptized teens who want to enter the Catholic Church is the same as for adults.    For adolescents this is a process of formation in stages: Research, Pre-Catechumenate, Catechumenate, Enlightenment and Mystagogy stages.  The Adolescent then receives the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass with the adults.

Teen they must be 12 years of age.



1. A completed registration form.

2. Payment for Faith Formation classes (based on current fees). Payment can be made in the form of cash,  check or Credit Card at the Parish Office.


RICA ADULTO: es para aquellos que buscan una mejor relación con Dios, que buscan más información sobre el cristianismo católico o que buscan crecer en su vida espiritual o sacramental. 


El proceso de RICA da la bienvenida a la persona no bautizada a la familia de Jesucristo.  Las sesiones son oportunidades informales y cómodas para explorar la fe católica con presentaciones, discusiones y compañerismo.

El adulto debe tener 18 años o más de edad.



RCIA Adaptado para Adolescentes es parte de nuestro programa parroquial de Formación en la Fe.     El proceso para los adolescentes no bautizados que quieren entrar en la Iglesia Católica es el mismo que el de los adultos. 


Para los adolescentes este es un proceso de formación en etapas: Investigación, Pre-Catecumenado, Catecumenado, Iluminación y etapas de Mistagogía.  El Adolescente entonces recibe los Sacramentos de Iniciación: Bautismo, Confirmación y Sagrada Eucaristía en la Misa de la Vigilia Pascual con los adultos.

Adolescentes, deben tener entre 7 y 17 años.


1. El formulario de registro completo y firmado.

2. Pago de clases (basado en tarifas actuales). El pago se puede hacer en efectivo,  cheque o Tarjeta de Crédito en la Oficina Parroquial.

Our Catholic Faith
Nuestra Fe Católica

Sacraments 101: Confirmation (why we're confirmed)

Sacraments 101: Confirmation (why we're confirmed)'s fantastic introduction to the Sacraments series:Why do I have to get confirmed if I'm already baptized? How do I choose a sponsor as I prepare for confirmation? Why do I have the option to choose a new name? These questions and more are answered in this edition of "Sacraments 101," a web video series geared for those who'd like an introduction or refresher course on these important, tangible Catholic experiences of God. Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church, with baptism and Eucharist. Think of it as a personal Pentecost, when we receive the tools we need for our spiritual journey — the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Subscribe/Rate: Never miss out on a new video by subscribing to our channel here ( Help other people find Busted Halo by sharing this video on your social media. Thanks! Follow Busted Halo: 🎉Twitter: @bustedhalo 🎉Instagram: @bustedhalo 🎉Facebook: The Busted Halo Show Podcast: 🎵 🎵 Apple: Donate: Our goal at Busted Halo is to make sure the Church does not forget about the great many people who are searching for God’s love and mercy. Every day we make their challenges our challenges and, in turn, offer them the great hope of Jesus Christ. You help make that possible! Donate here: MUSIC CREDITS: "Bathed in the Light" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"" "Ants!" by Mind Map That! (feat. Anchor Mejans, Mystro) is licensed under a Creative Commons license: "Be Brave" by Rules for Radicals is licensed under a Creative Commons license: "Chords For David" by Pitx (feat. jlbrock) is licensed under a Creative Commons license: "Ethereal Space" by snowflake (feat. Zep Hurme) is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
Sketchy Catholicism: Sacraments
Why Pray? | Fr. Brice Higginbotham

Video by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Año Liturgico
Year Liturgical

Advent in 2 Minutes (NEW!)
Busted Halo®

Advent in 2 Minutes (NEW!)

Warning: This video uses a flashing/strobing effect that may affect photosensitive viewers. *Watch in 1080p HD for best results* What is Advent all about? How is Advent different than Christmas? In a BRAND NEW version of our classic video, Busted Halo explains the significance of this special season in the Church and why the experience of waiting, hope, and preparation is still so important in our lives today. Visit Busted Halo’s Advent Calendar ( for daily Advent inspiration. Subscribe/Rate: Never miss out on a new video by subscribing to our channel here ( Help other people find Busted Halo by sharing this video on your social media. Thanks! Follow Busted Halo: 🎉Twitter: @bustedhalo 🎉Instagram: @bustedhalo 🎉Facebook: The Busted Halo Show Podcast: 🎵 🎵 Apple: Donate: Our goal at Busted Halo is to make sure the Church does not forget about the great many people who are searching for God’s love and mercy. Every day we make their challenges our challenges and, in turn, offer them the great hope of Jesus Christ. You help make that possible! Donate here: Music: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

No hay amor más grande, que dar la vida por los amigos

St Joseph Pro-Cathedral-PNG.png

St. Joseph Pro-Cathedral

2907 Federal Street, Camden, NJ 08105

Phone:  856-964-2776

Fax:       856-964-0044

St. Anthony of Padua

2818 River Ave, Camden, NJ 08105

Phone:  856-964-2776


8:00 A.M.    =   English
11:00 A.M.   =   Español
1:30  P.M.    =   Español
6:00 P.M.    = Español
Daily Mass Chapel  |  Misa Diaria Capilla
8:00 A.M.   =   Bilingue

9:15 A.M.   =   Español


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